A Chuck Norris meme I made

I wrote some Chuck Norris Jokes

1. When Chuck Norris visited Jackie Chan and his family, they all wore cowboy boots inside their house in fear of offending him.

2. Chuck Norris beat Eminem in a battle rap, with one line, which was ‘I’m Chuck Norris!’

3. When Chuck Norris takes steroids, they make him weaker. (just kidding, nothing can make Chuck Norris weaker)

4. One time Chuck Norris took an at-bat for the Texas Rangers. He let the ball hit him on the beard, it bounced off and sailed out of the stadium for a grand slam. The bases were empty.

5. Chuck Norris once gave a man a piggyback ride. The result was the true story behind the plot of ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy’

6. The sun derives its energy from Chuck Norris. The good news for mankind, Chuck Norris will outlive the Sun.

7. When Jeeves doesn’t know the answer, he asks Chuck Norris.

8. Chuck Norris once took Chun Li out on a date. The next day, she got into a street fight with M. Bison, who tried his sliding sweep move on her, but it didn’t work. After spending time with Chuck Norris, no other man could ever sweep her off her feet.

9. The Pointer Sisters came up with the inspiration for the song ‘It’s Raining Men’ from watching Chuck Norris uppercut a group of hoodlums.

10. Have you ever seen a Chuck Norris impersonator? Neither have I.